Marina Management System
Why do we need Marina /Power Sports Management Systems?
A “Marina Management System” allows Marina / Power Sports Managers and Owners to gain control of their business by providing complete up to date information on all daily, weekly and monthly operations and functions from on-site or through remote access. From the time a customer signs a contract
for a major unit (Boat, Motor, RV, ATV, etc.), comes in for service or simply orders a part, the system tracks the customer requirements and history as the order progresses. The system provides quick lookups and “screen viewable” reports, to observe your marina, facilities, service loads, inventory levels (or 100 other points of interest) at any given time.
With an integrated point of sale system, the managers and owners can track both inventoried and non-inventoried items from the service, parts desk, show room and rental control. Seamlessly reorder backordered products when needed and process inventory using bar-coded inventory while still having the flexibility to rapidly process non-bar-coded items. All modules integrated to the accounting system to allow immediate financial information on their businesses.
Unlike many businesses, a marina business may be seasonal with a revenue stream of only 6 to 8 months or less. To manage the operation over such a short season, it is important to regulate those operating expenses (such as payroll) with the use of our 52-week General Ledger (GL). This runs in parallel to the standard 12 or 13 period GL but allows the user to be selective on which GL accounts should be reported.
Unlike most software development companies, we encourage client feedback and provide a “Client Wish” list to help us move forward with software changes and improvements.
Software – the unknown element!
Software as a “tangible asset” is misunderstood by most. Unlike a car or a toaster that people can touch, hear, smell and feel, software is a component in a rather complex system that consists of monitors, keyboards, hard drives, servers, cables, hubs, operating systems and business software. The development of software is an evolutionary process. What starts off as an interesting software idea can grow into something that takes on a life of its own. Large software systems also evolve as technology improves and customers’ requirements change. What I mean by this is that our software development process will allow us to be flexible enough to meet customer needs, but be rigid enough to improve quality.
We realize that no two marinas are alike but by working with so many customers over the years we have managed to incorporate an extensive list of what would be custom features into our standard program. We complete a pre-configuration with our client to set up the program, installing some general parameters and make many options available to our clients through the use of “Module Control” databases. Most of these functions can be easily turned on/off by the user or set to a different level.
We also make it easy to quickly generate key financial, accounting, and marina operations reports from the main menus and screens (by specific function). From the menus, operators can generate journal reports, account receivable reports, inventory reports, and over 800 other reports. If a specific reporting need cannot be found in the standard reports, capabilities are provided so that external programs such as report writers can access /export from the existing databases.
Every Marina needs computerized systems to control their complex operation. The Sirtawn’s Marina Management software has been created with programs that are specifically tailored to the Marina Industry. The full system includes the basic Retail module (with built-in small craft rental), a comprehensive Inventory module (including an integrated Purchasing and Manufacturer’s Price Book Inventory), Sales Analysis module, Purchase Analysis module and the integrated Accounting module (General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable). The system also includes a Service module, Major Unit Inventory module (Boats, Motors, Trailers, RVs, etc.), Slip Management module, Storage Management module and a Short Order Café module (optional) all specifically designed for the “Marina / Power Sport”. All reports may be viewed on screen and pages selectively printed.